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How to use Karma to move forward?

Photo du rédacteur: Fanny BaertFanny Baert

#Karma is the law of cause and effect. Every action produces a reaction. What you reap is what you sow. You are the product of the choices you have made. In fact, you are the sum total of momentum and direction in life caused by prior circumstances, thoughts, emotions, desires, decisions and actions.

Once you are a believer in #karma, you can use it as a strong #guideline encouraging you to become more #mindful of your #thoughts, #actions, and deeds before you make #decisions.

Learning to recognize and reverse negative thoughts is a major focus of my coaching sessions, as negative thoughts create #fear and prevent people from moving forward and probably living their dreams.

When you are going through a #transition, set aside time for processing thoughts and #selfreflection. Changing your gloomy thoughts into positive and #optimistic ones will allow you to pave the way for a new path so you can create a brighter #future and a better version of yourself, free from the patterns of the past.

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Prenez contact

Téléphone : + 33 786471864

Je fais du coaching en ligne ou en personne dans la région de Genève, en Suisse, ou en France voisine. 

Coaching dans mon espace à Genève (arrêt de tram La Poterie) les mercredis entre 13.00 - 20.00.

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© 2022 par Fanny Pauwelyn-Baert. Fièrement créé avec Merci @aziz_acharki pour les photos.

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